Monthly Archives: October 2019

Machismo at Its Worst

Is it possible that anyone this side of a coma missed the blaring irony of the mob Republican men “storming the citadel” to claim a cover-up was occurring and that other info was being withheld at the Deposition on October … Continue reading

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The Nightmare Continues

What disturbs me most about our current political situation in The United States is that our president has worshipers who see nothing wrong (or won’t admit seeing anything wrong) with his behavior. The nation (like other nations) is divided into “haves” … Continue reading

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The Wonderful Rush of Self-indignation

“Promises only bind those who believe them.” Jacques Chirac The first thing I saw this morning on Face Book was the post of a “news” article titled “The Democrats Should Be Impeached.” There were several likes (of which I was … Continue reading

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