Monthly Archives: April 2024

Yes, She’s Still in Washington

I don’t usually write two commentaries in a row about anyone except Donald Trump, but Marjorie Taylor Greene is such a buffoon in her constant need for attention, that I’m fascinated by her utter ignorance and full-speed-ahead attempts to make … Continue reading

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Wake Up, America!

Donald Trump has tons of bravado but not a shred of intelligence or actual knowledge to back it up. He is a braggart who has never done his homework about anything except to study and admire Adolf Hitler’s power in … Continue reading

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Medusa Is No Myth After All

Marjorie Taylor Greene seems to have the mentality of a nine-year-old whose only mission in life is to say that all the people she doesn’t like have cooties. It’s her full-time job. She does virtually nothing in Washington for her … Continue reading

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More thoughts on Aging

As teenagers, many of us think we know everything there is to know about the world and the universe beyond. Of course, a young person’s “universe” is quite smaller than that of someone in his or her fifties (and beyond). … Continue reading

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