Monthly Archives: March 2024

America’s False Idol

I continue to be puzzled by Donald Trump, or at least by those who seem to worship him. During the 1920’s and 1930’s, many Americans both feared and worshiped Al Capone, Bonnie and Clyde, and other newsworthy criminals, who, despite … Continue reading

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The Food We Eat, and The Price We Pay

I sometimes imagine that my stomach and tastebuds have minds of their own. They seem to remain quiet at a very low-key level through the oatmeal, fresh fruit, fish, and vegetables that I consume on a regular basis. However, as … Continue reading

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The Balance Sheets of Aging

As I grow older, I (like most other people), notice mental and physical changes that are occasionally either comical or just terrifying. I rather like the fact that my hair is gradually turning silver. The symbolism is, at least visually, … Continue reading

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